

Why do we fund?

Children and young people with a refugee or migration background and children and young people from socio-economically weak families are systematically disadvantaged in the education system.
These children and young people should benefit from our support. We want them to develop the skills they need to meet the challenges of our lives. Particularly important to us is the development of language skills, the children's personal development and the accompanying work with parents.
To achieve this, we work together with various partners in the education system - for the greatest possible depth of impact and sustainability!


What do we fund?

We support non-profit organisations that that have the statutory objective of promoting the education and upbringing of children and young people.
Your work should meet the following criteria:


Your work aims at equal access to education and should target the development of language skills, personality development and/or successful parental work.


The target group is children and young people with socio-economic disadvantages and/or their families.


Your work follows a coherent impact logic and an evaluation of the impact takes place. We would like your work to be aligned with our values: optimism - energy - humanity.


We support organisations throughout Germany.


Applications may be submitted at any time.


How can you apply for funding?

If you would like to apply for funding from us, please contact us at

We would like to get to know you first to see if we share the same vision, if our approaches fit and to hear how we could achieve more together.
Among other things, we want to know the following things from you:


Who are you?


What are you doing and how can we do more together?


What is the impact of your approach on our target group? Has the impact already been evaluated?

How much?

How much budget are you applying for?

After our first conversation, we will let you know transparently and in a timely manner whether and how we will continue together.

If you want to know the criteria we use for funding, take a look at our funding guideline (PDF).


Any questions?

If you have any questions, please feel free to check our FAQs on funding or contact us directly at

We look forward to achieving more together with you!

We look forward to achieving more together with you!